In today’s day and age, it is hard to get by without a credit card. Not only does a credit card help you establish a good credit score (which in turn paves the way for obtaining mortgages and other loans at optimum rates), but it also negates the need to carry around bundles of cash everywhere. A card can bail you out of a liquidity crunch and even help you rack up rewards in the form of cash back or travel miles. Despite the many advantages that a credit card has to offer, there are certain users who face problems with their piece of plastic. In this article, we’ve listed some of the common complaints consumers have against credit cards, as well as how to resolve them.
Complaint 1: Your card was declined
Given how much we all rely on credit cards for making our day-to-day payments, having it declined for some reason or other may pose a serious problem. To learn the reason why your transaction was declined, you need to call up the card company and ask what’s going on. In quite a few cases it has been found that the user himself was responsible for the lapse. For example, he may have forgotten to make his payments on time, or perhaps the consumer had already exhausted his credit line. However, in many instances, it’s the card company that declines the charge, pending verification, as they suspect that the card is being used fraudulently. To prevent this problem from cropping up, it is advisable that you inform your card issuer before you conduct a big purchase. Additionally, make sure you don’t swipe your card multiple times for the same amount at the same merchant during a single visit, as this may lead the card company to interpret it as a duplicate charge.
Complaint 2: The annual fee is too steep
While a credit card can help you earn wonderful rewards in the form of cash back, travel miles etc., sometimes these benefits are offered with a catch – that is, a steep annual fee. One way to side-step these fees is to transition to a similar card with lower fees. But this may lead to a reduction in benefits as well. Another option is to ask the issuer to waive these fees. Sometimes the company will accept your request; other times you may be offered retention miles or other perks as the issuer may not want to lose you as a customer. If all else fails, you can cancel your card and receive a credit for the fee after its billed and then proceed to look for a new credit card.
Complaint 3: The card has increased your debt levels
Owning a credit card and using it responsibly go hand-in-hand. Yet, certain users end up falling into debt. One of the ways to extract yourself from this situation is to temporarily avoid cards and use other means of payment as much as possible. Another option is to sign up for a new card with a 0% interest balance transfer offer. This will at least provide you with a few interest-free months in which you can pay off as much of the entire amount as possible. Nevertheless, make sure you understand all the terms and conditions carefully or you may find yourself in greater trouble than before. Or, simply go through this article that we have already penned – it will provide you with a clearer view as to what you can do to reduce your debt.
Complaint 4: Your payments are usually late
Many users forget their due date, which causes their payments to be late. This leads to hefty fines or penalties. There are a number of ways in which you can overcome this problem. For example, you can opt for email or text reminders provided by credit card issuers, or even set up automatic bill payment. In some cases, although the consumer mailed his check on time, it was lost or delayed in transit. To avoid this situation, consider using the bank’s electronic bill payment system. However, in case you feel you still won’t be able to make payments on time, consider switching to a card that does not penalize you for late payments.
Complaint 5: Your card does not work in a foreign country
The first reason for this could be that your card does not have an EMV chip. Most foreign countries now have credit card readers that require an EMV smart chip. So before you go on your next foreign trip, make sure you replace your existing card with one that has the updated technology. Secondly, make sure you always inform your issuer before leaving the country, as a transaction made in a foreign place may otherwise be viewed as potentially fraudulent by the card company.
$50,000 - $250,000 at 0% Interest
The complaint we most hear at Fund&Grow is an inability for small business owners and real estate developers to get the funding they need. That’s where we come in. Our team at Fund&Grow helps individuals with good credit to get up to $250,000 of unsecured credit at 0% interest. For a flat fee, we not only guide you through the process but also take care of most of the paperwork for you. So if you, or someone you know, need this sort of funding for your business, call us at (800) 996-0270 and we’ll help you out immediately.
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Ari Page and the Fund&Grow team help business owners obtain access to credit despite the ambiguous lending climate. Many people feel ripped off and scammed by the bank bailouts and wonder why they can't use the system to their advantage the way the big banks did. If you have good credit, the Fund&Grow program will get you the funds you need to grow your business.
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All credit is subject to lender approval based upon credit criteria. Up to $250,000 in business credit is for highly qualified clients over the term of the membership with multiple credit card batches and/or credit lines. Introductory rates of 0% apply to purchases and/or balance transfers after which it reverts to an interest rate, which varies by lender as disclosed in the lending agreement. Fund&Grow is not a lender.
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